Wednesday, October 26, 2016

80 Days

We are eighty days in!  (okay, so these were taken awhile ago and I just got around to posting them so not exactly accurate...)

And this is how picture taking goes at our place.

Pongo is also very interested in seeing what stage the little bambino is at.  In case you can't read it because a.) you're on your phone b.) you're blind c.) the lighting isn't great d.) I'm a pretend blogger with zero photography skills, here are the stats for eighty days along:
-The sex is viable!!  I'll have to try the string test and see what it says!
-The head and neck are untucked.
-The little dude (or dudette) is the size of a chipmunk (about 4.2oz)!!  So no, she's not showing.  She's just a chub.  Like everyone else here at the Shitmon...

Some milestones the baby hit before I got around to taking pictures...
-Day 24: can make out head, eyes, tail nub, 4 leg buds, pea sized heart
-Day 40: 4 legs, head, eyelids, rudimentary ears, ridges for nostrils, functional elbow and stifle joints, size of an olive
-Day 50: ribs are recognizable, domed head (think chihuahua), developed distinct skull, ears, hock & fetlock joints developed, umbilical cord is developing, fetus status, size of a pecan
-Day 60 (when original announcement pic was taken): size of hamster, resembles horse, hooves developing, head tucked, hairless

More info than you ever wanted to know about a growing horse embryo/fetus?  I didn't think so.

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