Friday, March 15, 2019

Charlie Update

Charlie has been spotted! 

DJ saw him yesterday morning when choring.  I thought I saw him yesterday afternoon, but when I went to investigate further nothing showed up, so I thought it was just the wind from opening the door.  DJ said he was in the same corner that I saw something. 

I'll dig a little deeper tonight.  Wish me luck!!

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Earlier this week we added another animal to the crazy farm.  A yellow cat that goes by the name of Charlie.  I can't wait until he bites me so I can say, "Ouch Charlie.  You bit me.  That really hurt."  (BRB-Scurrying off to find that video...)

I'm back.  Cracks me up every time.  Charlie laughing at the end...

Anywho... back to the story. 

Charlie and his brother were rescued as kittens.  His brother found a nice loving family who spoils him rotten and Charlie got left with me.  Charlie definitely drew the short straw.  Sorry Charlie.  So he got dropped off and I locked him in the barn so he couldn't run away and he can figure out that this is home now.  I went in to chore that afternoon and could not find him.  Anywhere.  I call for him.  I ask Minkus where he is.  Nothing.  I gave up and decided I'd check the next day.  Still nothing.  I have no idea where this cat is!  I've searched the hay racks, behind stalls, under blankets, nothing.  Nowhere. Nada.  I'm not sure if the kids played hide and seek with Charlie and he got real good at it or if he grew thumbs and opened the door and let himself out or if Molly had a change of heart and came and picked him up before I got home (she denies this, but I'm not sure I buy it...).

If you know of a good way to lure a cat out of hiding let me know.  Or if you have any ideas of where he could be hiding.  Maybe you speak cat and can come talk to him to come out? 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Breaking Daddy In

The other night I went to the city with my parents.  I left DJ in charge.  Ed and him were going to play.  Take a bath.  Have supper.  Go to bed.  This is not a first.  I didn't think twice about it when we left. 
We went out to eat and then headed downtown.  We weren't there long when I got a text from DJ saying Ed had thrown up.  Hmm... well that's a first.  I chuckled to myself since we're talking about the guy who threw up when he was cleaning up the dog's vomit while I was away on work.
He gave her a bath and she was playing around so he thought it was a one and done deal.  Turns out it wasn't.  There were a few more puking instances. 
She fell asleep on him and was content until we got back and then I got in on the fun. 
For someone so tiny, she sure can make a mess in a hurry.  I don't think the washer or dryer got more than a five minute break yesterday from cleaning up the mess(es).  I'm pretty sure at least half of DJ's shirts were in the laundry thanks to Ed.
I think it's safe to say we'll all be glad if we don't have a repeat for (at least) another eleven months.
She was back to her normal self in less than 24 hours.  Destroying what is left of the house in her usual manner.