Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Day1 and Day 100

November is here, but you'd never know if based on the weather!  Right now I'm okay with it, but if the mosquitoes come back I'll have an issue!!  I thought I'd try and do the month of thankfulness thing again this November.

So Day 1:  I'm thankful I get to do a countdown for a baby!!

Here's the update for Day 100.  We're not quite a third of the way there yet.  This is about a week old, but maybe the next one will get posted on time :)

- Babies ears are a half inch long and are unfurling from the head.
-Like me, baby has some hair on its lips.
-Baby is seven inches long and weighs in at one pound.  This is about the size of a six week old kitten.  (Luckily we don't have any more of those running around here!)

And of course, here's some outtakes:

Sometimes she's too friendly!

Poop happens.

She begged me for a selfie.

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