Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend Happenings

I was able to get off work early on Friday and went to the greenhouse with my neighbor.  After sweating more than a couple of football players at two-a-days, we headed to happy hour for some margaritas.  Once we cooled down we headed home and I got ready to head north to Jill's going away party.  She's headed to Florida (not for vacation, Ma) so she had a little get together and Juice and I were able to crash it!  After a few embarrassing memories and more embarrassing photos, Juice and I called it a night and headed home.

Saturday DJ got up and smoked some bacon.  I headed into work and then back home to get ready to meet Ma for wedding planning.  We went to the consistory to check it out and then the hotel to make sure everything is squared away there.  From there we went to check out the linen store and decided on tablecloths-- chalk up one major decision made!  Peter joined us for that and then we headed to talk to the caterer.  We have a tasting set up-- let's hope it's good because I'm not sure where else we'd go to try out!

I headed home and DJ had me get ready and we headed to a friend's place where the dogs and I unknowingly, crashed a bachelor party-- whoopsie!  We picked up a pizza and called it a night.

Yesterday I went to brunch for Zip's birthday and watched him open presents.  I had to head into work from there and then came home and worked on more wedding things-- this thing might come together yet!!

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