Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick Or Treat

Happy Halloween!

I'm not one to get dressed up and go put and party.  Sorry.  Not me.  I used to be that girl.  In elementary.  Let me tell ya, there were some pretty crazy parties back then!!

In college, I don't remember what I wore.  Did I go out?  I don't remember.  I'm sure it was something JT had in her closet if I did get into it.  Oh yes.  There was a Marilyn Monroe costume once.  That's all I remember though. 

Well anyway.  Just shy of two years ago, I think, JT and I went to a costume store.  It was shortly after Halloween so all of the costumes were on sale.  After trying on every women's size M/L costume they had left, I ended up taking home a bumble bee one. 

And then I graduated in December.  And then I went back to school.  And then I got an internship and didn't go back to school.  And then my social life as I knew it had ended.  So I moved the bee costume from apartment to rental to house.  AND THEN...

I took up running.  And then I signed up for a 5k at work on Halloween.  It said to wear your costume.  So I broke it out.  Luckily I was wearing clothing under the costume, or it would NOT have been work appropriate, or even on my body... 

And I ran.  I flew really.  No I'm kidding, my wings wouldn't stay open.  I don't know how many pictures were taken but I 'm pretty sure the wings are visible in 12% of them.  So I think that's why I ran so slow!

These people running were seriously die hards!!  I thought this was a FUN run!  We finished second to last.  Boy do we have work to do!!  But we were practically the only ones in costume!  So I'll call that a win.


I hope your goody bags get filled with your favorite candy tonight!!

Happy halloween!

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