Wednesday, October 11, 2017

In Need of Ideas

Guys!  I turn thirty in less than three months!  Mama- your baby girl is about to get old!  Not as old as the others though... just sayin!

I've seen some bloggers do a thirty before thirty thing where they have all these "bucket list" items to knock out before the big 3-0.  I thought it would be fun to do something like this, but maybe only like three before thirty.  I mean let's be real, I'm kind of a fly by the seat of my pants gal.  I've already skydived? skydove?  Whatever, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.  Garth's in town and some guy needs a date?  I went with him, even though I was seeing Garth the next day.  I took a photography class and attended a workshop.  I had my horse baby.  I'm going to see Garth again this month.  I pretty much do what I want... without thinking about it first! 

This is where I need your help!  I don't plan ahead, so have came up with zero ideas!!  What can I put on my list?  Ready?  Go!

P.S. Let's keep this relatively affordable... unless you're offering to pay! 

Monday, October 2, 2017


Remember that time I said I was going to post every day on here?  Ha-- clearly I need to make more realistic goals.

It's been over a month.  I'm surprised I haven't heard more backlash from the two of you that read this...

Harvest has started.  I have zero picture as proof of this.  I did go on a parts run this weekend though.  And that was about the end of my productivity for the weekend.  It was pretty rough.  It rained again this morning, with more rain in the forecast so they'll be out of the fields for a little bit.

I tried using the wood fired pizza oven/grill thing.  That didn't work!  Going to need some practice on that before I can start posting pictures of something you'd be impressed with.

Rudy is growing like a weed.  I took some pictures of him last weekend I need to post.  I had to pick up a new halter for him since he hardly fits into his pink one anymore.  I think he was a little sad I didn't get another pink one for him, but the teal will have to work until he fits into the purple!  The good news is, we'll know what color he looks good in!  :)

Alright, I guess I'd better get back to work.  I'll aim to post before Halloween.  I'm not a very good shot though.