But day two!!
After a couple hours of sleep, we got up to take Jilly to work. We dropped her off and took her car for the day.
We got ready and headed out. We decided we would stop for lunch when we saw something. Well, we saw a lady dressed as a pig with a BBQ sign so we turned. The opposite way.
After getting a bite to eat, something to drink, a cooler, and ice we made it to Silver Springs National Park.
We made a trip to the restroom and saw our first glimpse at wildlife-- a gecko (I think) climbing the wall. As we headed back we heard some leaves rustling. It was a black snake. And then I saw two more. And then Chuck took off at a walking sprint.
We signed our lives away, gave away the car key, and got in a kayak. Neither of us had any experience at kayaking, while practically the rest of the group goes every year. After a lot of giggling and cussing we started to figure it out. We saw monkeys and gators and had a good time.
Once we got back to land, we headed to a nearby bar with the rest of the kayaking group before heading back to the hospital to pick up Jilly.
Long story short we put oil in her car and went home before walking to get pizza. And caprese salad. And wine.
Anyone who received Chuck's Snap Chats knows it was an entertaining walk home full of rapping and dancing. And we nailed it.