Monday, September 29, 2014


We headed out on Tuesday and stopped about dark.  We got up and finished the trek to Colorado.  Our first stop was the Budweiser Brewery in Fort Collins.  We got to see some Natty Lite packaged so DJ was pretty excited about that!  They were going so fast that it was hard to see them go by!

After our complimentary drinks, we left there and stopped to eat lunch since I'm the picky one and don't like pretzels.  We had some delicious food before the short jaunt to Estes.  

DJ and I got the bunk beds for the stay.  
That night we went and watched the elk-- I used the other camera to take pictures, so I guess I'll have to bring that in and upload some of those.
We ate some BBQ after that and called it a night.
Thursday we went over the hill and into Rocky Mountain National Park.  I believe we had a drink or two at the Wheel that night.

Friday, we girls went for a ride through RMNP.  We met up with the guys after and ended up just ordering pizza and sitting on the deck all night talking.  We had amazing weather while we were there!

Now to figure out where to go next year...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wordless part of Wednesday

I'm Alive!

What a hectic last couple weeks!! I took last week off from blogging because we were on vacation. Woot Woot!!

We went to Estes Park in Colorado. Once I have more than half of my lunch hour to update, I'll get a post together about that-- with pictures!

The weekend before we left, Sammi and I went to see GFA. I don't have any pictures of that. I probably would have got in trouble for taking them. Apparently we were in the "have zero fun" section so there was no standing, dancing, or bringing your arms above your shoulders... not my ideal concert experience. Gary was amazing, like always.

The week before that Pa spent a couple nights with us and had his plot day. You know what that means?? Leftovers!! I had prime rib, tator salad, and baked beans for many meals after that!! :)

This week has consisted of meeting with the photographer, taking Clyde to the vet, meeting Peter, and tonight we're taste testing a caterer.

I've updated the Wedding Page with the hotel information.  If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Monday, September 8, 2014


The week snuck by me and I can honestly say I don't remember why it was so busy!!

The barn is getting closer to complete-- woot woot!! We have the measuring wheel to figure out fencing supplies.  I'm hoping to get the fence in before harvest starts so that way when it's time for the hippos to move in, I won't need to pull DJ out of the field.  We  Mainly DJ, got the millings all spread out last week and then the guys formed for concrete.  If it ever decides to stop raining every other day, we might get that poured!  I think after that we'll just have the waterer to hook up.  The stall(s) probably won't be put in until spring.  They'll still be able to get into the lean to and if the weather gets too bad we will figure out a way to get them completely inside and away from the wind. 

DJ spent the weekend getting ready for harvest and I did 89 loads of laundry. 

Ma came up yesterday and we went to a couple bridal fairs.  They didn't take us too long to get through since we have a photographer and venue already.  We meet with a caterer for a tasting in a couple weeks.  Little Radish's flower girl dresses came in and I can't wait to get them to her to try on!!!  She's gonna be adorable!! 

I got a call after we left those that I had won.  I thought she said something about a pan.  I went to pick it up and turns out, I won a trash can.  Am I the only one who thinks that's odd!? 

Hope you have a great week!!  We're down to 16 weeks until the big day!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Weekend

Ahh, a three day weekend in the books.  A much needed one!  :)

DJ had a couple come and polish up the semis and trailers.  We spent Friday evening at the shop watching them.  Saturday I ran around the city and picked up some odds and ends.  We went over to the neighbors and he helped split some wood while we girls supervised.  We had a get together for Zip's birthday and then called it a night.

Yesterday I went to Peter's to do chores and met up with Char and B$ for lunch.  I came back and did some work outside before the storm came through.

Today I was able to meet up with Ma & Pa and Char & B$ for lunch.  We had a few margaritas and many laughs before going our separate ways.  I quickly mowed the yard before calling it a day and coming inside to relax.

Here's to a quick work week!! :)